I am the leader of the entire clan of Honduras. My name is El Jefe. I was born on January 10, 1970. I have 3 girls and 3 boys. My wife is called all along my society La Jefa. She really deserves the name because she is the one who maintains the orden with moral and nice teachings. I gave her the power to rule over education and religion. La Jefa has done such a great job that everybody in our society likes her and is willing to cooperate. She created learning centers where children went and learned basic sttuf like numbers and the alphabet. In religion, she allowed the Spanish catholitism in the entire south part. People feel very comfortable with this religion and the divine creation. I am in charge of the military and political events. This is a very jard job because each and every member of the society has a different view and perspective over politics. We are a society who fights for what we want and for what we can achieve. Our main goals in our society is the have equality and justice. It is not easy to lead such a big clan. We are 28 thousand members spread all along the south part of Honduras. Our existance is of over 100 years and all my family has been like royalty. Power is hereditary and I thank God that my family has managed to control so many people with several Laws. Our laws are as follows, 1. Every one is equal with each other. 2. Children are obligated to attend to at least 5 years of a learning center. 3. Fight for justice and equality. This laws are the basic and most important rules of our entire society. Women play a nice roll, they work in the fields and sell items in the market. They raise their children to be lawyers and good men. We have been having an economical and financial crisis for the last three years, but with trading we have survived.
This is me :) :
This symbol represents my society.