domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010;_ylt=AkHej_BXaCQ2Suv62swdfTas0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTJuOTQ2cWs5BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwODIzL2x0X2NoaWxlX21pbmVfY29sbGFwc2UEY3BvcwMyBHBvcwM4BHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2pveWluY2hpbGUzMw--
Article by: Federico Quilodran
1. This current event article deals with 33 men trapped in a mine near Santiago, Chile. They have survived 17 days alive and until christmas they will be able to get out. They sent a letter saying that the 33 of them are fine and alive. Family members and the whole country of Chile were happy with the news.
2. In this article the people involved are the miners trapped, the president of Chile Sebastian Pinera, family members of the miners and everyone else who cares for the miners.
3. There are no problems with this article. This person has no bias because the current event is about good news for everyone. The article explains what the miners feel and we get the point of the article very fast. Aspects like how the miners are surviving or what they are eating or doing are left out. I would like to know more how they re living and what they think about this situation.
4. In my opinion, this article is very interesting! I liked when the wife of one of the miners said "I know my husband is strong, and at 63, is the most experienced miner who could lead his co-workers," (Liliana Ramirez). I support the argument of this lady because she is trusting her husband that his help will be of lots of use.

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