domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

My Captive

This is when I was captured.
This is the prisioner.

I am here captured in a closet, with one light bulb trying to get my mind in something else than in those awful men who got me and forced my friends to help them. They were threatened to kill them if did not work with them. I was in school in an activity and all of the sudden I woke up in a bed surrounded by men talking of how much money to ask my parents for. I was slept by them using a wierd smell and it lasted for 15 hours. I have slept for 15 hours and have no idea where I am. I want to go home safely and be with my family and know that they can protect me. I hope this nighmare ends shortly. Today this afternoon they called my mother. The worst feeling I had was when I heard her crying. I had never felt that way. I have not stopped crying all this time. Men had a women in charge of me. She never talked or looked at me. I tried to be friendly because I felt so lonely and desperate. Finally the third day she talked and told me that men had an agreement with my family and I would be released soon! I felt myself so skinnny because they only fed me with rice and beans and only twice a day. I live in a dark world now and I need to finish with this. I have a great plan to run away, even though I am afraid of failing it and beign punished by this men. They certainly do not have a heart and will never help me. Two days have passed since I last wrote in this piece of paper. My family will pay what men asked for and I will soon be released. So many peo`ple have been captured by men in Honduras, but no one has an idea of how it feels until you live it for yourself.  

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010;_ylt=AkHej_BXaCQ2Suv62swdfTas0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTJuOTQ2cWs5BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwODIzL2x0X2NoaWxlX21pbmVfY29sbGFwc2UEY3BvcwMyBHBvcwM4BHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2pveWluY2hpbGUzMw--
Article by: Federico Quilodran
1. This current event article deals with 33 men trapped in a mine near Santiago, Chile. They have survived 17 days alive and until christmas they will be able to get out. They sent a letter saying that the 33 of them are fine and alive. Family members and the whole country of Chile were happy with the news.
2. In this article the people involved are the miners trapped, the president of Chile Sebastian Pinera, family members of the miners and everyone else who cares for the miners.
3. There are no problems with this article. This person has no bias because the current event is about good news for everyone. The article explains what the miners feel and we get the point of the article very fast. Aspects like how the miners are surviving or what they are eating or doing are left out. I would like to know more how they re living and what they think about this situation.
4. In my opinion, this article is very interesting! I liked when the wife of one of the miners said "I know my husband is strong, and at 63, is the most experienced miner who could lead his co-workers," (Liliana Ramirez). I support the argument of this lady because she is trusting her husband that his help will be of lots of use.