domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Letter 2 "Prayers at the Congress"

In this letter written from John Adams to Abigail Adams states the importance and the impact of prayers at the Congress. John had never heard a better preacher than Mr. Cooper. He made everyone realize the importance of religion and how connected they were with it. The Psalm made people care and gave them divine guidence. John encourages Abigail to read the Psalm and to read to her friends.

1. “I must confess I never heard a better prayer or one, so well pronounced. Episcopalian as he is, Dr Cooper himself never prayed with such fervour, such Ardor, such Earnestness and Pathos, and in Language so elegant and sublime” (John Adams 678).
In this quote the rhetorical device of appeal to emotion is present. We can see that John is transmitting his emotions of admiration to us. Without hearing Dr. Cooper´s speech we know that it was a very good one. This is an important quote to the letter because by knowing this we understand what John is trying to say to Abigail.

2. “I must beg you to read that psalm. If there was any Faith in the sortes Virgilianæ, or sortes Homericæ, or especially the Sortes biblicæ, it would be thought providential” (John Adams 678).
By reading this quote we can see the persuasion in it. John persuades the reader, in this case Abigail to read the psalm because it impacted him greatly. This can help her make changes in her life. This quote also persuades other readers to read the psalm.

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Refuting Patrick Henry

Mr. President, not everyone in this country wants independence. I respect your thoughts and ideas Mr. Patrick Henry, but I can tell you that we have very different opinions. You are just pointing out the bad side of being under the rule of the British. They are not bad people. They want to have power in our country to make it a better and more powerful place for us. Haven´t you seen the benefits we have with them? You stated in the Virginia Convention a couple of days ago "They are meant for us: they can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging." (Henry 2). People have to understand that no chains are over us. Ten years have past and we have recieved security in every of our colonies and tea has been a primordial product in our lives. We have to admit that native americans have been savages against them. Taking their people captive is not the way to solve problems. British suffer for their family members who are killed or taken captive. The only thing that we are winning is more hate from their part. They like the peaceful men, the ones who fight for what they want, and the ones to try to solve problems without aggresion. I also would like to clear something and quote you. "We must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight!" (Henry 2). In my opinion, nothing will be solved with war. I strongly agree that we should sign a treety with the British and have equal rights. Everyone can enjoy from this beautiful country. Let´s forget war and agression. The British just want the best or us and I agree with them. I am proposing everyone to sign a legal document were we will have the same rights as the British, lie in the same social level, work to have what we wish, and have liberty and freedom. This way we will all have peace and live a happy life.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

My World Plan

The world would be a better place if everyone contributed equally. My plan to change the world is to convince adults to plant at least a tree in their houses or communities. Benefits of these actions will benefit all of us in categories such as social, environmental, communal, and economical. They help our environment by conserving water; it improves air quality and helps the wildlife animals. It also contributes immensely in climate. In the economical part, trees can make you have a 10 or 15% lower cost in air condition if your house has a series of trees that give shade. The government would be in charge of giving each house a small tree that only contains the roots and a branch 3 inches tall. People will have the responsibility of planting the tree in their gardens and it is their choice where to place it. This is a great opportunity for families to do an outdoor activity with all of its members. People older than 18 years old are considered adults here in Honduras and each of them will be checked by the government if they have done their job. Every month a supervisor of each community will check upon adults if trees are growing and well treated. Adults who do not follow our establishment of planting trees will receive a fine of 200 lempiras each month. People with less economic resources will have considerations with the fines. I hope that everyone agrees with this plan for a better life, but people who do not agree please try to review the benefits and think for the future. Think of your family that will live in the future and do not be selfish. The world is suffering the Green House Effect and carbon dioxide is contaminating the world. We can start doing the difference. Other countries can take our example and the whole world can help with our environment.After all, our country can go green and have beautiful large trunks and full of leaves and green spots.,r:0,s:0,r:14,s:0&biw=1003&bih=507